General Interest
Have another one
o’ them Helium truffles,
Mister Blimpo Man.
I make good Haiku
I try many words long time
I speak no English
Holiday guests cheer,
“Aunt Nell is heading this way,
the spike strips have failed!”
Home boy driving test.
Hard left, brakes, shots fired. You pass!
Pay at the window.
“You are loved, and safe,”
a kind wind whispered to me
from the Redwood trees.
Heartache and sadness.
My soul cries, “Is there no cure
besides acceptance?”
For Marketeers
Wheelhouse tastemakers
curate snackable content
for influencers
For Ayn Rand Objectivists
Man is an end in himself
Reality bites
For Seniors
I understand now.
Social Security’s broke.
Just a Ponzi scheme.
Farmers’ market day.
Uncle George behind the wheel.
This cannot end well.
No senior discount.
Have your breakfast somewhere else.
We don’t serve your kind.
I’m on Medicare
I’m a senior citizen
Give me your seat please.
Have you heard about
Conejo Valley Village?
You have? Then rock on!
Prostate cancer, oops!
No more mister macho man
Demiboi says “Hai”
At old man’s passing,
good drugs, friends and family
embrace together.
“Mom, we’ve picked a place,
you will be so happy there!”
Note to self, change will!
To My Wife Karen
Dearest Valentine.
I knew I loved you that day
you beat me at ‘Spoons.’
To My Dear Husband
Each beat of my heart
Every breath that I take
I do, Love, for You!